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How to go Yenokavan from Yerevan on a budget: Ziplining in Armenia

These tour agencies annoy me. Their exorbitant prices are seriously not worth it. I'm talking about the group tours. Private tours are another hole-in-the-pocket kind of story. I get it, if you are short on time, lazy to research, or just want a relaxing vacation with family, tour agencies simply do the work for you.But,… Continue reading How to go Yenokavan from Yerevan on a budget: Ziplining in Armenia

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Expired foreign license? 12 Steps to getting your Saudi Driving License

Driving was only a dream for women in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The past few months have brought about so many different queries about the process to obtain a driving license and people giving contradictory answers. Yes, the rules have been changing in the past 2 months. For now, they seem stable and here's… Continue reading Expired foreign license? 12 Steps to getting your Saudi Driving License

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Top 10 things to do in Batumi, Georgia

Batumi is the second most famous city of Georgia for tourists after its capital, Tbilisi. You'd hear a lot of tourists and travelers returning back from Georgia and not having covered Batumi. Their excuse? It was too far for a day trip. Batumi is NOT worth a day trip. It is worth staying there for… Continue reading Top 10 things to do in Batumi, Georgia

From the Heart, Home

I saw change. I assumed.

I went to the mall today. It wasn't planned. I just had to get out of the car, quickly cross the highway road hoping that the fast moving cars would slow down for me and help make my way into the parking area of the mall. There was no traffic signal around the area which… Continue reading I saw change. I assumed.